Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sweden Photo Of The Day Weekly Recap, Week 103

Favorite Sweden photo of the day #464: Lion Dance (cc photo courtesy of anna_t)

Favorite Sweden photo of the day #465: Ny runsten

Favorite Sweden photo of the day #466: Portrait of a Duck

Favorite Sweden photo of the day #467: Gothenburg

Favorite Sweden photo of the day #468: Rödlöga Stockholm Archipelago

Follow bloggomsverige on Twitter to view future Sweden Photos of the Day.


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Photoshit said...

Yay! Glad att du gillar mitt foto "Portrait of a Duck"!

/Fanny Welker, Photoshit@ Flickr


Ja, loved it!

My parents, by accident and strange coincidence, had 2 different ducks hatch ducklings in their backyard this summer, so I have a new appreciation for ducks. :)