Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Camels, in Sweden?!

(photo courtesy of jenschapter3)

I never imagined you could find camels wandering the fields of the far north, especially during winter. Doing research for a photo project, I discovered that camels roam the meadows of a ranch on the Baltic island of Öland, off the southeast coast of Sweden. Ormöga Kamelranch attracts adventurers seeking a Swedish camel ride every summer. You'll also find lamas lounging at this camel farm.

After riding camels and gazing into the eyes of lamas, consider a trip to Östersund in the middle of Sweden, home of a moose farm, where moose paper is produced...out of moose droppings. The farm's owners say environmentally friendly moose droppings prove to be a "sensational raw material for paper."

Until I have the chance to visit the farm, Moose Garden, in person, I'll check out their "moose cam" for a close up look at the life of a moose.

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